Why You Should Hire a Social Media Agency
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Since we are one, we are a pro-social media agency, but we want to share the pros and cons of hiring an agency rather than doing the social media work yourself or hiring in-house. Many companies and businesses are worried about outsourcing this aspect of their company, but many CEOs, founders, or marketing executives need to remember that social media agencies' sole purpose is to improve their social media. Rather than having a billion different tasks and roles, the agency can devote all its time to developing and implementing a unique social media strategy and implementing it.
The Pros:
Agencies Cost Less
We need to find out how many ill-advised job applications have been posted looking for a social media manager or director. While it is nice to have someone in-house since there is a higher level of communication, it is also significantly more expensive, depending on your needs. Many of our clients pay roughly $1500 per month. So, for one year of work, we are getting paid $18000, which is way less than you would pay someone to be in your office daily. Also, with the continued technological improvement, working remotely and having online meetings is easier than ever and doesn't negatively affect your company.
Agencies Are Future-Oriented
Agencies work with multiple companies, constantly learning and developing new processes and tactics for creating the best social media content and strategies. The chances of the agency becoming stagnant and not looking for the next new trend is rare, much rarer than someone working in-house and constantly using the same programs over and over again. Businesses and brands can benefit from an agency finding the next big thing and sharing it with their company before other companies find out.
Agencies Work 24/7
Agencies will avoid calling in sick, taking a vacation, or requiring health insurance. They will be constantly focused on your social media 24/7, rather than an employee who could get wrapped up in work politics or become disgruntled. Instead of having one person working for you, you have a team of individuals who want to impress you daily to grow their company even more.
The Cons:
Development of Trust
Many companies or brands need help trusting an agency to have their best interest at heart. The best remedy is to be selective about who you work with immediately. If you are sensing a low level of communication during the initial meetings, that agency might not be a good fit for you. Remember, since the work is remote, you want to have complete faith in the agency and sleep well, knowing they are working hard on your behalf. We recommend noting the reporting process and how information will be presented monthly. Which metrics do you care about and want detailed reports on? If the agency and you deeply understand each other's expectations, a strong level of trust will be created, and a great working relationship will commence.
No matter how great an agency is, they are still remote, which means there has to be a high level of communication. Great social media agencies will have constant contact through phone calls, video chats, and emails, but some may have different opinions on what "constant communication" is. Like developing trust, communication needs to be fostered from the beginning, and expectations regarding how often you will be in communication must be aligned. Always remember, this agency should try to impress you daily, and the customer has all the power. There is nothing wrong with telling an agency you want more meetings or phone calls.
Social Media Philosophies
Differing philosophies between agencies and businesses are something we see often, and while they aren't necessarily a con, you need to look out for them. If your company cares about crafting individual posts that are unique, but the agency is about recycling content over and over again, then a rift will be created. I'm sure you have noticed a trend with all the cons: great conversation during the initial phase of the relationship is essential for developing a great atmosphere.
There are, without a doubt, more pros and cons, but the ones stated above give you a general idea of what you are getting into when you hire an agency or an in-house employee. There isn't a correct answer, and it depends on the work culture you have in place. Just remember, agencies should cost less, and they should care significantly about impressing you with their social media skills. If your company wants to devote time, money, and energy to social media marketing, hiring an agency could be a significant initial step toward determining whether or not you should hire a full-time person with an office.
Do you have experience as a company or agency when it comes to hiring a social media team? What pros and cons do you think of when it comes to agency vs. in-house?