Top 5 Key Performance Indicators
Welcome to The Social Lab! This blog will not only help you navigate your personal social media, but also investigate marketing trends and examples of great social media work. Do you have something we should talk about? Make sure to send us an email or contact us on social media.
Today in The Social Lab, we are going to talk about key performance indicators. What are KPI's? They are categories of social media analytics that are utilized to determine the success of your social media. Some examples would include likes, follows, impressions, and comments.
So which KPI's are the best at determining the success of your social media? Every company, brand, or individual will differ in what matters to them the most, but overall there are some factors that are simply better judges of past, present, and future success than others. Here is our list of the top 5 most important KPI's when it comes to determining the success of your social media.
5. Profile Visits
Your social media account isn't simply an extension of your website or business, it is the hands of everything you do. Many times your Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram is the first thing potential fans see, which is why profile visits are so important. If you have a large amount of profile visits, then those fans may click on a link to your website, like a pinned post, or contact you directly.
4. Organic Reach
Your post won't mean much if no one sees it, which is where organic reach comes into play. Unlike paid media, organic reach shows off your skills at creating great content, hashtaging appropriately, and posting at the correct times.
3. Link Clicks
For many businesses or individuals, social media is all about getting people to a particular website. If you can create posts that generate a solid amount of link clicks, WITHOUT coming off as spammy or intrusive, then you are creating great content. Posts that have a high number of link clicks can also result in a higher number of shares.
2. Comments/Replies
Social media isn't a one way conversation. It's about creating relationships with individuals that can result in a mutually beneficial outcome. If you are creating content that receives comments and replies, then you're creating engaging posts that shows off your human side.
1. Engagement Rate
Whenever you measure the success of your social should heavily weigh on engagement rate. This rate is the amount of likes, shares, comments, replies, etc. divided by the number of impressions/reach the post had. If you have a high engagement rate, that means that you are creating stimulating conversation that once again shows off that your business or brand is a human, not a robot. Furthermore, you don't need to post a high number of times to get a high engagement rate, which is important. This stat shows off the efficiency of your work, which is a wonderful indicator of future success.
Do you agree with these key performance indicators? Do you feel like we left something important off? Comment below or email us right away!
The Socii Project
